Dates: 12, 13 & 14 April 2018 at 8pm / 14 & 15 April 2018 at 2.30pm
Venue: Alliance Française Theatre
French only

Creative Team: Directed by Jean-Vincent Brisa – Produced by Nathalie Ribette

“Don’t miss “Molière et moi” at Alliance Française. Absolutely incredible. The performer takes us to the Court of Louis XIV, it makes us relive, and rediscover the emblematic characters of Molière. Who could have suspected that Molière was so current ? Must see!”

A chair – that of Molière, illuminating the scene with all its power, a stool, a wig for the only setting. An exciting and informative dialogue between the novice and the Master. And laughter, lots of laughter! That’s what “Molière et moi” promises you!

This vibrant play by Jean-Vincent Brisa is a pretext to document the life of the amazing Molière. This theatrical work is interspersed with extracts of plays particularly relevant to his own story. All of Molière’s emotions are thus examined: humour, frustration, sadness, nostalgia and pride.

For several years “Molière et moi” met a remarkable success in France.