COVID-19 *New* Update
Going into Phase 2
18 June 2020
Dear Sing’theatre Family,
Sing’theatre Academy would like to thank all of you for your patience and compliance with all the measures we have been putting in place during the current situation regarding COVID-19.
On 15 June 2020, it was announced that Singapore will be moving into Phase 2 on the 19th June (this Friday) and we definitely joined the nation to let out a huge sigh of relief.
At Sing’theatre Academy, to ensure the safety of our students & staff, we are being very cautious in the safe re-opening of our Studios. We would also like to reassure everyone that we are strictly following all current advice from the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ministry of Health (MOH
To give us time to execute the guidelines safely, we have decided to continue our last week of classes online as planned till the end of Semester (25 June). We hope to be able to open our studios in July, just in time for holiday Programs: SMTC & Sing’Theatre Academy Open Level Holiday Program!
Here are the guidelines to take note that before coming to Sing’theatre upon our re-opening in July 2020:
Please note these guidelines are subject to changes depending on the government’s guideline at the time.
- Safe distancing measures of at least 1m will be in place throughout all our studios – there will be strictly no physical contact between students
- When working in groups students will be split into smaller groups no larger than five & must remain within their group with each group maintaining a distance of at least one metre from other groups and no mixing between groups.
- All staff and students will be required to wear masks/& face shields
- Daily temperature and health screenings for students and staff will continue
- Anyone visiting our centres will be required to check in and out using SafeEntry
- Our waiting room and office will remain closed – parents and guardians will be asked to avoid waiting for their children on site where reasonably possible
- Singing will be conducted under strictly controlled conditions as per NAC guidelines
Class Precautions:
- Anyone who has been issued a Stay-Home Notice (SHN), Leave of Absence (LOA) or Quarantine Order (QO) is not allowed to come to Sing’theatre.
- All students & Staff must take their temperatures before entering class. If their temperature is equal to or above 38 degrees Celsius &/ they have respiratory symptoms such as cough and breathlessness, they will be refused entry to class and sent home immediately.
- All students will now be asked to wash hands at the sink before entering the classroom.
- All classrooms are being cleaned and disinfected in between classes.
- We have removed all physical contact games from our curriculum and are avoiding physical contact in dance routines and staging. Use of shared equipment/props will be kept to a minimal and disinfected between use.
- We will stagger arrival and dismissal timings between classes to avoid any contact between classes
The arts is an important outlet in troubling times and is a fantastic escape for all our students to feel the comradely and joy of Musical Theatre. That being said, the health and well-being of our community comes first so we will continue to follow MOE & MOH guidelines strictly and we know we can count on your support to do the same. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office.
Stay safe and take care! ❤
Sing’theatre Team