by Sing'theatre

22 JULY TO 7 AUGUST 2022

An accessible festival to promote Musical Theatre in Singapore!

Experience high-quality performances and workshops by local and international artists. The festival will give the opportunity for local artists to create, devise and showcase new and existing works.

Musical Theatre Fringe Fest aims to raise the appreciation of the musical theatre genre and enrich the lives of the Singapore community through education and shared cultural experiences.


22nd July, 7.30pm
23rd July 8pm, 24th July 3pm & 8pm
23rd July, 2pm
Bitesize Theatre Productions
24th July 11.30am
Al-Hafiz Hosni & Pat Jon Gregory
24th July 2pm
Al-Hafiz Hosni & Pat Jon Gregory
24th July 4.30pm
Al-Hafiz Hosni & Pat Jon Gregory
25th July 7.30pm
26th July 7pm & 9pm
A Mouthful Productions
27th July 7pm & 8.30pm
27th July 7pm & 8.30pm
28th July 7pm & 9pm
Adult Musical Theatre Conservatoire
28th July 7pm & 8.30pm
The Runaway Company
29th July 7pm & 9pm
29th July 7.30pm, 30th July 7:30pm, 31st July 4pm
7/8 Musical Collective
31st July 2pm & 7.30pm
31st July 2 pm
31st July 3pm & 7pm
7th Aug, 5pm
The Projector
31st July 3.30pm & 9pm
Les Musicables
5th August, 7pm
31st July 5 pm
1st Aug 7.30 pm
2nd Aug 6pm & 8.30pm
2nd Aug, 8pm
Sing'theatre Academy
3rd Aug, 7.30pm
4th Aug 7pm & 8.30pm
The Chewy Collective
4th Aug 7.30pm & 9pm
Unagi Productions
5th Aug 8pm, 6th Aug 3pm, 7pm & 9pm, 7th Aug 3pm, 7pm & 9pm
5th Aug 2022, 8pm
6th Aug 3pm & 8pm & 7th Aug 2pm & 7pm
7/8 Musical Collective
6th Aug, 9am
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THE Artistic TEAM

TJ TAYLOR - Festival director

Originally from the UK, TJ graduated with a First-Class Honours Degree in Musical Theatre before moving to Singapore in 2013. TJ is the proud Associate Artistic Director of Sing’theatre responsible for growing Sing’theatre Academy, the creation of Singathon as well as the proud Artistic Director for the first Singapore Musical Theatre Fringe Fest. TJ has worked with most major musical theatre companies in Singapore as well as teaching hundreds of students and performers from Amateurs, students and professionals. He recognised the need to provide the MTFF platform for the ever growing and passionate musical theatre community in Singapore to present their works, learn and grow.

Nathalie Ribette - Sing'theatre's artistic director

After 10 years in marketing and sales for international companies in France's health sector, Nathalie caught the theatre bug after relocating to Singapore in 1996. She has been directed by Selena Tan and shared the stage with Singaporean household names like Kumar and Hossan Leong and has toured with W!ld Rice. With the encouragement and guidance of Ivan Heng, her mentor, she created Sing'theatre in 2006 She is known for having directed "No Regrets" and "Quasimodo" and created "A Singaporean in Paris", which sold out in 2010 and 2014. In 2013, she launched a Music Festival at the Singapore General Hospital, with music by everyone, for everyone and everywhere on the hospital campus. With more than 150 volunteers & 200 artists, "MusicFest @ SGH "has since been produced annually until 2019. Nathalie is also the brain behind "365 Days of Music@SingHealth", a program bringing one hour of live music every day. As a firm believer in the power of performing arts to boost creativity and social skills, she created Sing'theatre Academy in 2014.